14   F A M I L Y   R E S E A R C H   L I N K S
Map Links  (see also our Maps page)

Deportation routes, settlements, army locations, cemeteries, refugee camps etc
This map is overlaid with routes of the deportations, deportation settlements, cemeteries and key army and refugee locations in the Middle East, India and Africa, etc. It also shows the location of many pre-war Osady.

Please let us know if you have any other locations that should be added to this map.

Maps of deportation settlements, army camps and refugee camps etc are located on our Maps page.

Polish maps

Mapy WIG is a fantastic site with a massive collection of detailed Polish town and county maps.
Use the index on this page to identify the type of map required. It's worth exploring this site as it has a great number of detailed maps of Kresy and other parts of Poland.
For example t
his index provides access to large scale maps. Just click on the area that you require a map for and you will be shown a list of available maps to download.

Here is a handy site on which old maps are overlaid on a current map. You can fade and adjust the displayed maps by using the simple controls:  Mapy z Przeszłością

Indexes to towns, villages and settlements

Kami.net has a very useful index of Kresy place names. Great for locating villages and settlements.

Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego is a 15 volume directory of places in the Polish Kingdom. It was published between 1880-1914 and contains pretty much every location in Greater Poland from that time. You can access the index here

Use Google or Bing Maps
www.google.com/maps               www.bing.com/maps
You can search these sites using Polish names. The satellite view shows fields and buildings. It can be worth trying both Google and Bing, as each indicates different details and different satellite images.

Austo-Hungarian maps
This Eötvös University site has a nice collection of old Austo-Hungarian maps from the 1880s. Find the location you require here (eg 42⁰, 50⁰ for Lwów) and then go to the relevant page here for the detailed map (eg 42-50.jpg for Lwów).

Soviet Union maps - for locating places of deportation
A full range of Russian language Soviet maps from the 1960s and 70s is available here. Just click on the location on the large scale map to load the detailed map.

You can also view and zoom into the Soviet maps on this very easy to use site 

English language USA military maps of the Soviet Union, are also available. An index sheet showing these maps is here and a list with the individual maps is here.

A Russian site with links to lots of interesting maps of Russia, including German wartime maps. It's worth exploring here.

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