​​​​​​​T H E   H I S T O R Y    O F   K R E S Y
Osady - Military Settlements 1921-1940

Translation from the book  
Z Kresów Wschodnich R.P. Wspomnienia z Osad Wojskowych 1921-1940 
(From: The Eastern Borderlands of Poland, Memories of Military Settlements 1921-1940)
Pub: Ognisko Rodzin Osadników Kresowych (OROK)

          (Association of the Families of the Borderland Settlers) 
London, UK. 1992 and 1998
ISBN 1 872286 33 X 

Province (Województwo) WOŁYŃ


Municipality (Gmina) Klewań
District (Powiat) Sarny

Postal District (Poczta)


There were sixteen households in the Antonin settlement belonging to: Jarosław Sikorski, Stefan Sikorski (brothers), Bolesław Daliński, Stefan Rajfur, Zarzycki, Katarzyna Wożnicowa (widow), Waszkiewicz, Łukasiewicz, Padarowski, Henryk Majtas, Kropka, Dąbrowski, Kucharski, 
Lieutenant-Colonel Mielnik did not run the farm himself usually residing in Bydgoszcz. In 1939 he arrived there on vacation and was arrested. His wife Zofia together with three of their sons was deported to Russia. 
Kamil Jarmulski’s brother, now deceased Konrad Jarmulski, managed the plot in Antonin sometime in the 1920s. Lastly, there was an unknown settler who may have been Parandowski. One of the Parandowskis was the Director of KKO [Ed. note: Komunalna Kasa Oszczędności, municipal savings bank] in Stanisławów and often came to see his family.
Children from the Antonin settlement were educated in nearby elementary schools. They attended secondary schools in Sarny or in Łunińca.
My father, Kamil Jarmulski, was a retired forestry engineer. During the thirties, he managed the farm on Antonin settlement and for some time was also the mayor of the town of Dąbrowica. As a Second Lieutenant in the reserves, he was a commander of the Krakus Regiment. Immediately after the outbreak of the war, he was called up to the Army Purchasing Center in Worobin, near Dąbrowica. After his arrest he was deported to Russia and all trace of him was lost after his hospitalisation in Buchara  [Ed. note: Uzbekistan] in 1941. His family was deported on 10 February 1940 to Archangielsk province.

See also Aleksandra Rymaszewska’s life story printed in her obituary 2018.

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